Thursday, January 29, 2015

Seoul part 5: Until next time!

The last thing I'll say about Korea is sorry to Jeff because the bathroom and shower is the same. I'd very consistently leave it on shower mode when Jeff wanted to use the sink and he'd get sprayed everywhere. I'm sorry. Sorry mostly because I thought it was hilarious.

Thank you for the bestest time! My own regret is that I didn't check out a Korea spa. AKA I'll have to go back someday. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Seoul part 4 (Days 5 and 6): I'm a Peacock captain, you gotta let me fly!

The next few days Jeff and I were on our own. We had to get around with my Korean looks (thank you slitty eyes and wide-cheek bones) and Jeff's Hite/Chamisul-inspired Korean; it was quite entertaining watching him trying to converse with a taxi driver. Quick shout out to the cheese building:

This building (a cafe on the first floor) was a good place marker for where our AirBnB stay was. Cheese building in Seoul :: Blue gecko at the Electric Field at EDCLV :: A4 Speaker at Coachella. All saviors of my life.

On our days without Koreans we decided to check out touristy spots. 

So we did some wandering
At one point we were on the bus and I got off and looked back and Jeff was still on it. My whoops. Anyway, we're here now. One of the things that we both quite enjoy is checking out observation decks. I feel like, generally, people don't really like doing that stuff because they don't feel the need to pay for an extended elevator ride. I, however, dig that elevator ride, so those people can shaft themselves. The N Seoul Tower is a really cool though because at the top you can buy a lock, write a message, and link up! Similar to the love locks in Paris or the gum wall in Seattle.

We repped
Come on... how do you not like a nice up top view?
ESPECIALLY WITH A DRANK. *sponsored by Big Sean. All of that Cass Cass Cass Cass
Peter Pan ride at Disneyland, duh.
This is what N Seoul Tower actually looks like
Here's another picture of leaves. Because colors.
That night we went to Infinity and Beyond!
From our two clubbing experiences before, it seemed like our group was the only group of people that would be doing any dancing. Pretty much how it is in Taiwan, which surprised me a little because we know how Koreans be poppin' like corn. Also, there was a couple of black people one night. I mean, don't reinforce stereotypes... but... STEP UP YO' GAME. On this infinite drink night, we happened upon a young 20-something who was in the military and he was such a passionate individual. He said he loved music and all he wanted to do was dance!!! And boy, did he. He definitely had some moves. Ahhhh, admiration strikes again!

Sidenote: found this at a convenience mart.
Why have boxed juice if there's boxed soju?! $.50, Yezzirrrrr
If you're ever in Seoul, you have to check out the War Memorial Museum. It's a must must. Jeff and I spent a good couple of hours exploring the grounds... and it wasn't even open that day. But outside the museum there is already neat stuff to explore, so I can't imagine what it's like when it's open. 

Powerful stuff.

We also checked out a traditional Korean village. 

A Time Capsule. Which filled my My Sassy Girl desires.

Got Oyster Bimbimbap. an indoor restaurant that was outdoors...?

Stupid place not worth mentioning unless you want to lose $20 each on 4 minutes of slots.
One thing I really dug about Korea was how open everything is late night. We could be walking back after a full day of activity and still find sooo many foods in the dark hours. Korea doesn't close!!

Korea motto

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Seoul part 3 (Days 3 and 4): No Rae Bon? Yes Rae Bon.

Walking around Korea you'll notice people (I only saw females) with bandages around their faces. After sliced bread, the next coolest thing is sliced face. Everyone knows plastic surgery is a thang in Korea, but it's interesting to me how public/nonchalant they are about the post-op. In fact, Daniel said they flaunt it; in a way, it's showing off that you have the money to get the surgery.  Social status is directly proportional to plastic surgery. Regarding appearance and finding an s.o., to me, chemistry with a person is always the most important thing. Looks fade, what matters most is how well you click with someone. So don't just look on the outside, look within! Not to say appearance doesn't matter AT ALL, of course there has to be physical attraction as well, it's part of the whole package, but to me, it's about how good your mesh is. On the flip side, how you perceive yourself affects your mood, which in turn affects your day-to-day living. Being someone that struggles with self-esteem, I know how confidence goes a long way in how you approach life, so it is understandable. BUT! These are all created by societal pressures, which vary from peoples to peoples. Ultimately, you are what makes you you, it may be hard but don't conform to society! Appreciate the diversity in people, and love you for you.

Here are some highlights from Days 3 and 4. 

Methinks Grace looks uber Korean here. Tyler looks uber swagtastic (per usual).
Table service includes plates of food that will be devoured by a poor, hungry female college student. It was fun watching her.
Hunnids, hunnids.
Hug it out!
I'm surprised I never saw French fry corn dogs in the States!
If you go to Korea and don't play DDR, why are you even there?
Sorry Justin, these two brought SexyBack way before you did.

Double the Grace, double the fun
Selfie sticking our bus ride
I think this was a sweet potato cooker contraption
Koreans make funny of own Engrish!~

Group shot and we took group shots!
Anyone else have flashbacks to 1998?! Capped off with NRB! It was Fantastic, Baby.