Sunday, June 14, 2015


Took me 30 years, but it happened. I doody-ed using a squat toilet. Life, I'm ready.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Shida: Mandarin Training Center. 師大國語學校中心

Simba, Chess, Sita, Shida

Today is the day our last Shida Mandarin Training Center classmate leaves to go back home so I figured it'd be fitting to post a little ditty about MTC. Yes, a couple classmates are still here, but they may or may not be here for the long run (or at least an extended stay), so I might as well consider them locals from now on :) Coming to Taiwan, one of Jeff and my objectives was to improve Chinese. We decided to go with Shida, which is actually my mom's college so that makes her my 學姐 <-- like an alumnus sister! 

MTC was hugely beneficial and such a great decision that we made to take class there. I had an amazing, extremely energetic, and short teacher that really boosted my Chinese and I learned things that probably wouldn't have come naturally from living here. Not only did MTC provide a place of education for Chinese, but global education as well. 

At MTC, I met all kinds of people with such varying backgrounds and fascinating stories. For example, Sita, who left today, is part Taiwanese, born in Germany, but moved to the UK when she was 16. She knows German, English, Chinese, Taiwanese and some Japanese. Another classmate, Martina, is full Taiwanese, is more fluent in Taiwanese than Chinese, and she is South African. Stephen was born in Monterey Park. Oh, ok that's not too special. Except that he moved to Argentina when he was little and grew up there. Then eventually ended up in Dallas. Then served in the Army for X years. He is an awesome hairstylist. So you can see, MTC is such an interesting place; an eclectic bunch of kids, each with their own stories and for a semester we are all united in Taipei. I was able to get a tiny slice of everyone's thoughts on their own cultures and hometowns and coming into contact with these amazing individuals has helped widen my view of the world even more - another objective I had coming to Taiwan, though not expecting it in this way at MTC. 

I'm thankful to have met these people and hung out with them, and even for the short 2.5 months we had together, I've learned a lot from them and I appreciate it. With a touch of 緣份 I know we'll meet again because it is in our power to. In fact, we bonded enough that I'll be attending a wedding in the coming months! Yahoo! Thanks for the opportunity! How did you know that I love weddings!?! ;)

May everyone lead exciting, fulfilling lives and I hope you all get what you are going for. But, more importantly, enjoy the ride because it's not always about the destination, it's about the footprints you leave, the memories you make, the feels you experience, and the exhilarating journey you have on the way there. 
