Monday, December 22, 2014

Seoul part 2: Soju is cheap, soju-rink on!

I took that picture because it was like 9:23 am. Yep, no doubt, that's Korean bbq time. The only thing they were missing was the Chamisul Fresh, what's up with that?!

sikhye like a polaroid picture!
We, however, opted for juk - Korean porridge. I don't remember which one Jeff got, but I got the pumpkin flavor. Then we got a cup of the delicious rice dessert that I hadn't had in a long while. SIKHYE! 
When you drink beer, you wear excessively long neckties
Korea is not afraid of putting funny images on their businesses, like Taiwan!  Then we met up with D&G and what do you think we did? Let me give you a clue. Starts with an "f" and rhymes with "ood." We went to get some budae jjigae, which made me think of my good friend, Dennis, who although isn't Korean, is a huge proponent of the stew originally used to feed military soldiers. 

Gettin' jigae with it 
And then it was the street eats. Very very cool because the street eats here are completely different than the street eats you'll find in Taiwan, and I'm all about trying new things. We walked around Myeongdong for a bit to explore the area. One of the important words we learned in Korea is "mashita!" Yummy. Tasty. Delectable.

Egg on top of a buttery, custardy bread-like vessel. Mashita!

Left: Forgot what they were, tempura perhaps?; Right: blood shnausages. Mashita!

French fry embedded corn dog?! Mashita!

 Let's follow Grace following this giant cat to the cat cafe!


But let's be real. #beercafe>dogcafe.

Walking around Myeongdong, Jeff happened upon one of the things I wanted to try the most in Korea: LIVE OCTOPUS. I think at that point I'd forgotten that I was so eager in trying it so when he got my attention, he REALLY got my attention. SURPRISE! And it... was... 

AWESOME!! You can feel the suctions inside your mouth as it, as Jason Derulo says, "wiggle wiggle wiggle"s around. The texture is chewy, very QQ as Taiwanese would describe, and it's eaten with sesame seeds/oil. I would definitely run it back if the opportunity arises. Or maybe I should upgrade to fermented skate...?!

Here's a longer, more detailed - but not necessarily more entertaining - video chronicling our octopus experience.

In the afternoon Daniel had already left to meet up with family so this was all Grace gracing us with her company and took us around. She took us for a riverwalk in Cheonggyecheon, a stroll in Seoul.

Kool and the Gang 
Hustle bustle weeknights

This wonderful man made hotteok, a Korean pancake that has a syrupy filling. Maybe you think he's cheating with the cast iron hotteok maker, but maybe you are dumb. His hotteok was sweet but not overwhelmingly so, not heavy and rich, hot on a cool night warming the soul, and now my mouth is watering thinking about it. On another night, we attempted to recreate our amazing hotteok experience with a vendor who used a flat grill, but it just wasn't the same - too thick, too oily, too not-like-the-first-one-that-we-had. Oh well.

Blurry because I was too excited to eat this bad boy. MAAASHHHIIITTTAAA!!!!! ^^
Beyonce ain't got nothin' on Grace! #lusciouslocks

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