Friday, November 21, 2014

China part 1: Beijing

A week after I made my arrival, I said "BRB Taiwan." I gotsta do somethin' right quick. Thanks to my cousin and the fam, I had the opportunity to travel to China so I said "hell, motherfather, yes."

I can't thank them enough for these golden opportunities most people don't get to have. Seeing new places, staying in nice hotels like the Shangri-La with a sweet suite to myself.

Good morning, Beijing.

Totes forgot that in China I wouldn't be able to use Facebook. And Instagram. And kinda Line. And kinda Gmail. Appreciate those freedoms that we have elsewhere! Getting online, checking my frequented sites was a doozy! Gotta use other "methods" and it's still spotty. And when I do get to use it, I feel like 大哥 (big brother) is always watching. I try and be distracting by perusing the internet in the nude. I'm sure it helps. Anyway, aside from that, I remember when I came here on a tour during high school, China can be a neat place to check out. So much historical sites to see, foods to try (as long as it's not TRASH WRAPPED AS MEAT INSIDE A BUN <~ yes, that was real news), places to explore; it's just a vast ass piece of land. 

This trip was quite different since I'm not being a tourist, though I do get to see how film sets work in China. Being on set at home can already hit low and slow moments of waiting around, but it's even moreso for me here. I don't even have scenes to wait for to shoot so I'm really there to not do anything haha. No trailer for me to do some exercising or reading, and THERE WAS NO KRAFT SERVICES (thats probably a good thing); however, it was substituted with an ass ton of smoking. One of the nights of the shoot we checked out a pretty nice restaurant in Beijing, no idea what it was called. It was ginormous and we got some rather delectable dishes. 

---left to right, top to bottom: 1) African leaf salad with radish. I've never had this vegetable and I'm all about them greens so this tickled my fancy. Crunchy, tasty, and African. Trifecta. 2) Pig hands 3) Cabbage and tofu. Yummm. 4) I think 豆苗菜; pea shoots? 5) Chinese writing 6) green beans 7) Beijing meat pie 8) a sort of Kung Pao chicken 9) some delicious pear drink I will probably never get to have again :(

The meal also including Peking duck in Beijing, where a chef butchered up the duck nicely, tableside. Like how at El Torito they have a server butcher up an avocado and make tableside guacamole. Same thing. The duck ninja sliced it so it would be layered with meat on bottom and crispy skin resting atop. Every individual had their own ceramic duck compartmentalized into celery, onion, cantaloupe (I think?!) two sauces, and some crispies.

One of the sets we were on was a Western-themed resort in the countryside that was reminiscent of cabin trips to Mammoth, Tahoe, Big bear.

The buffet meal that was served everyday looked better than it tasted. Sashimi was served frozen, there were flies landing on the food, but you know what. China. It was still an okey dokes meal no doubt.

Not only that, but they were encouraging. 

So that was essentially my Beijing trip! China part 1. Overall I have been gifting my taste buds and letting my fitness fall to the "waist"-side. Womp wompppp

See you in Shanghai!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The misses

Not a post about females, sorry. You can close this window now. Just a collection of things that are either rare or not accessible to me here.

These bad boys are one of the few chips I'll eat. I'd like to think they're healthy. So it's ok when I eat an entire bag by myself in one sitting.

Obvees the Costco size one. It's always an adventure when I purchase one because it says to finish within 5 days of opening. And because I'm the only one that eats it and y'all know I despise wasting, I'm scarfing down thick scoops of this yogurt that fills your mouth and is kind of hard to swallow. Really gotta relax the jaw and open up the throat, ifyaknowwhatimsayin. Probiotics. Git'r done.

So LA, I know. Apparently I'm all about dem live cultures diet. Also, because of the trace amounts of alcohol, sometimes I'll get a lil' buzzy buzzed. Shh... #lightweight.
My personal, local, secret-not-so-secret trail run
I only miss it because I felt high and mighty with a card of bling. In actuality, one of the things I love about Taiwan are all the cute coffee shops. Interior design/decor of them give each one so much character. 

Here's my go-to spot. 

Fortunate that I can get an ok-priced Americano within proximity.

Haven't been to a concert here; not sure if it's the lack of them or maybe 'cause I haven't delved into the Taiwan pop scene yet. I'm waiting for ^ that guy to come to Taipei though. SamSmithcomeserenademeagain

Bonus: I miss these concerts too.

(mini shout out to Josephine!)
My hug life took a little dip. It's a combination of not knowing many people (for some reason, strangers don't like it when I come up to them and embrace them for X amount of time), culture (I think people hug less here...?), and my own personal thing that hugging is one of my favorite activities. I'm talking ribs-to-ribs, let's-create-some-body-heat, cut off circulation to some areas of my body, that kind of deep hugging. No side hugs, por favor. Every time I see Jeff he gets extra credit since I have to let it all out. Sorry, not sorry. 

So next time I see you, we're probably going to spend the first 6 minutes sans words. Only body language.

Press play, dont press pause,

p.s. my bads I haven't really blogged about more specific outings, foodings, countries. Still trying to catch up! In due time :)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Not huge on baseball, but here's a change-up

It's been over a month since I've been out of 'Murica, and by my watch, it's About Time (Rachel McAdams, hollaaaaaa!) to start a blog. Side note: Jeff and I watched Interstellar - Chris Nolan, swoon - yesterday so really... time means nothing to me. TAKE THAT MAYANS! It's been a hot minute since I've blogged, I'm talking about Xanga baby. I can still get eProps though right? Fingers crossed. I figured this will be a good medium to chronicle my experiences since blogging > my memory. In Psych135, Social Psychology, they say that expression, in any form, is beneficial. BOOM. College. So LEZZGOO!

(photo cred: Helen; filter cred: Instagram)
I thought this was a pretty dope picture as we headed out, braving a new journey together, going forth with an ounce of fear, but wholly with love. Ready for change, but no worries, we'll be coming back for you someday...

...and then we reach the gate and the security was like "uhh... this is VIP, you need to go to the other gate." you might think maybe we were embarrassed and a little...

or you thought we were...

"Pfft. Ain't no thang. Just a lil' swag walk on the 180º."

It was the first.

The plane ride, though ~13 hours, never feels that long for me. I'm very glad Jeff was on the same flight so we could hold my hand through it all. It was really awkward though because we were across aisles so when they came by with the food carts they had to backtrack and go the other way. #lockedhands. Real talk though, the ride was smooth and I only had one short session of missing everyone dearly and semi-lost it on the plane. I guess I was asking for it when I'm listening to the heartfeels and looking in the face of nostalgia.

I thank my family so much for the support. In LA, to give me the strength (in the form of monetary currency) I need to travel to the other end of world; in Taiwan, a temporary place to stay, a phone to use, a bicycle.
    Unfortunately, no tassels, but it does come equipped with a basket. CHA CHING! 3Q generous cousins, for EVERYTHING. 

I know most people want food pics, but guess what. I hate eating. SO NOW WHAT. Now that I've got the first post going, it should be easier to keep up (you know, what with no internet at home and all -___- )

Ok, kidding, here are some pictures of ingestibles. Teasers for more to come. And yes, even a tea-ser. 
Beer + Cheese Social House. 台.P.A (Taiwanese IPA, so clever)
Ice Monster. The first time.
刈包 a.k.a. gua bao and shaved ice combo durrrr
刈包 from a street cart, shaved ice from Eastern Ice Store 東區粉圓 
50 嵐; so. many. boba. shops. <3

Peace and hair grease,