Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The misses

Not a post about females, sorry. You can close this window now. Just a collection of things that are either rare or not accessible to me here.

These bad boys are one of the few chips I'll eat. I'd like to think they're healthy. So it's ok when I eat an entire bag by myself in one sitting.

Obvees the Costco size one. It's always an adventure when I purchase one because it says to finish within 5 days of opening. And because I'm the only one that eats it and y'all know I despise wasting, I'm scarfing down thick scoops of this yogurt that fills your mouth and is kind of hard to swallow. Really gotta relax the jaw and open up the throat, ifyaknowwhatimsayin. Probiotics. Git'r done.

So LA, I know. Apparently I'm all about dem live cultures diet. Also, because of the trace amounts of alcohol, sometimes I'll get a lil' buzzy buzzed. Shh... #lightweight.
My personal, local, secret-not-so-secret trail run
I only miss it because I felt high and mighty with a card of bling. In actuality, one of the things I love about Taiwan are all the cute coffee shops. Interior design/decor of them give each one so much character. 

Here's my go-to spot. 

Fortunate that I can get an ok-priced Americano within proximity.

Haven't been to a concert here; not sure if it's the lack of them or maybe 'cause I haven't delved into the Taiwan pop scene yet. I'm waiting for ^ that guy to come to Taipei though. SamSmithcomeserenademeagain

Bonus: I miss these concerts too.

(mini shout out to Josephine!)
My hug life took a little dip. It's a combination of not knowing many people (for some reason, strangers don't like it when I come up to them and embrace them for X amount of time), culture (I think people hug less here...?), and my own personal thing that hugging is one of my favorite activities. I'm talking ribs-to-ribs, let's-create-some-body-heat, cut off circulation to some areas of my body, that kind of deep hugging. No side hugs, por favor. Every time I see Jeff he gets extra credit since I have to let it all out. Sorry, not sorry. 

So next time I see you, we're probably going to spend the first 6 minutes sans words. Only body language.

Press play, dont press pause,

p.s. my bads I haven't really blogged about more specific outings, foodings, countries. Still trying to catch up! In due time :)

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